About Me

Designing and building the future.

An Outlaw Origin Story

I’m a software developer that’s recently completed a masters degree in entrepreneurship. I also have a decade of experience building websites and applications for my own start-ups.

My first startup Sendtao was designed to help engineering companies submit daily Health & Safety forms, and was used for many years in over 13 countries in Africa.

Working on my own start-ups gave me a lot of experience with all aspects of building a business, including owning many parts of the tech stack. I’m very comfortable working with web technology and backend development, and I've been focusing on javascript and front-end work since before redux was invented. I was using also Laravel before version 4 was even released.

This front-end experience pairs really well with my academic training as an information scientist. I believe this multi-disciplinary background and love for web design gives me the advantage to excel in creating elegant user experiences.

Currently my time is split between helping L/L Research (an American non-profit) and trying to build and validate startup ideas. A lot of the screenshots above are from the soon to be released website redesign, which will greatly improve the translations on the website. The site has been translated into 24 languages now and seen by over a million unique visitors since we launched the first redesign about two and a half years ago, and we currently get ~130k page views each month.

I've been helping L/L Research since the pandemic started and it's been fun to work with a non-profit... I also get to visit them in North America each year and attend some of their conferences and events and meet really interesting people from around the world.

While studying my master’s I also started training as a transpersonal hypnotherapy practitioner, and for the past few years I’ve been studying life coaching, astrology, hypnosis and shamanism – all of which allow me to have a very human centred approach, and a deep passion for helping people.

I believe my combination of software development, entrepreneurship and life coaching makes for a great combination that allows me to communicate and share ideas across domains to both developers, designers and even non-tech savvy users.

I live in the beautiful city of Cape Town where I have a private office and a 200MB fibre line, with a backup power system. I also have an Irish passport which makes travelling overseas for work easy. My current team in America is based in Louisville (KY) and we have no problem with the time zones.

I usually enjoy the quiet focused time in the mornings before the team gets started, but have no problem waking up at the crack of noon to match the American timezone.